Reading a Genealogy!
To wrap up our meeting in Sunday School last week, our class took a quick look at Genesis 5 to better understand the purpose of the...

Eve's maturation in Genesis 4
Genesis 3 ends with Adam and Eve being driven out of the garden by God. Adam and Eve ate from the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of...

Did Death Exist in the Garden of Eden?
Adam and his wife disobeyed God, listened to the serpent, and ate from the tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Immediately "the eyes...

The Promised Seed
Adam and the woman ate from the tree. They realized they were naked, so they covered themselves with leaves and hid from God. God called...

LUNG FORCE Run/Walk - Saturday!
Saturday night our church will host a Wild Game Dinner. Our speaker will be Dr. David Alan Black from Southeastern Baptist Theological...

Eve's Three Mistakes
God's Command In Genesis 2, God specifically commands: "You are free to eat from any tree of the garden, but you must not eat from the...